vedham 1 slokam 2
extracts from pravachans of our guruji
In this worldly life, for every small thing we have to depend upon others. It requires allotment of time, money, help from others, convenience etc. This is the real fact.
Let us consider the example of consumption of food. First of all seeds are sown by a person, the growth is looked after somebody, harvesting is done by somebody, it is brought to the market & sold by somebody else & finally we consume it. But our thinking is restricted only to the level that I am consuming it but mouthful of food is gained only because we depend on all such persons.
Similar is the case with cloth. First seeds are sown, plant is looked after somebody, somebody converts cotton into thread, & final output that we get is cloth. To get this cloth we are depending on all such persons.
This alone shows that for every single thing we have to depend on others & this is the fact. But there is one & only thing in the entire universe which can be done solely without depending on others. It neither requires any help from others nor you have to depend on your parents, brother, sister etc. To perform this there is no restriction about particular place, time, caste, religion, money etc.
It is none other than “NAMASANKEERTAM”. For doing ‘Namasankeertanam’ the one & only thing required is desire. To build a house, to marry, to perform work etc we have desire. Similarly, if you have desire to do “Namasankeertanam”. You can feel the difference in your life.
To realize the exact real happiness just surrender yourself to Poojya Shree Shree Amma & get “Mantra Upadesam”
Surely you will realize the Bagawan Shri Krishna even in this kaliyuga without fail.
hymns in praise of guru
Guru is God Brahmha, Guru is God Vishnu, & Guru is God Maheshwara(shiva). Guru is none other than omni present. Offer salutation to such guru.”
God Brahmha, God Vishnu & God Maheshwara (God shiva) are the three different forms of the supreme Bagawan Shri Krishna. Bagawan Shri Krishna has assigned the duty of creation to God Brahmha, the duty of protection to God Vishnu & the duty of destruction (samharam) to God Shiva.
God Brahma is the creator of this universe. He is the creator of human beings, animal, insects, birds, & every small thing in this universe. In the same way a sathguru is a creator of ‘Gyaanam’, ‘Bhakthi’, ‘Good Qualities’, ‘Saathweeka thoughts’, ‘Vairaagyam’, love & faith for bagawan in each of his disciple. He teaches & makes each of his disciple realise the importance of “Namsankeertam”.
God Vishnu is the safe guarder of this universe. In the same way a sathguru considers it as his duty to safeguard & to protect the ‘Gyaanam’, ‘Bhakthi’, ‘Good Qualities’, ‘Saathveeka thoughts’, ‘Vairaagyam’, love & faith for bagawan present in his disciples.
God shiva destroyes all the unwanted & worst things & persons present in this universe. Similarly a sathguru destroys the ‘Agyaanam’ , ‘ahambhavam’ (pride), ‘Ahankaram’ (anger), ‘selfishness’, ‘greed’, ‘kamam’, ‘fear’, ‘Prarabdha karma’ (sinful acts of previous births), sinful acts of this birth & all other bad qualities of his disciples.
Parabrahamam (Paramatma) is engaged in the task of Shrushti, (creation) Sthithi (safe guarding) & sanharam (destruction) in the form of God Brahma, God Vishnu & God Shiva respectively. Similarly, a sathguru also undertakes the task of ‘Srushti’ (creation), Stithi (safe guarding) & sanharam in the life of his each & every disciple.
So it could very confidently be said that sathguru is not just equivalent to parabrahmha but sathguru himself is Parabrahmha.
So arouse, awake & attain such a sathguru. On attaining such a sathguru you would surely be relieved from all the confusions, fear, sorrow, sufferings of this sansara sagaram & unbounded happiness would remain with its doors open always for you.
short stories to regain your faith
Saakethyam Paarihaasyam Vaa Sthobham HElanamEva Vaa!
Vaikunta Naama Grahanam Asheshaa Ghhahanam Vidhu:
Even if one says Bagawan Nama doubtfully, teasingly, as a song or humiliatingly then too all sins will be vanished forever. Great saints have realized this.
This reveals how merciful our Bagawan is. His only intention is that every jeevathma should taste the sweetness of namasankeertanam and realize its power. Hence he comes down from his level and accepts the namasankeertanam done even without faith.
The youth with an intention of only testing the power and truth in the words of that elderly person climbed up the tree and started chanting. One thing to be noted here is that the youth was true to his challenge and hence the moment he sat on the tree he started chanting continuously.
In the same manner it is the duty of each jeevathma to test the importance of Namasankeertanam at least once in their lifetime. For instance before purchasing a television set, vegetables or fruits we first test it's worth. So why don't we make an attempt to test the worthiness of Namasankeertanam. Even if done with an intention of testing Namasankeertanam is bound to yield favorable results only.
Time started passing on and by now it was noon. The youth was very happy, as there was no sign of getting food from anywhere. His chanting continued and time also passed away simultaneously. It was nighttime but still the youth did not get food from anywhere. One day passed on favorably for the youth. Now he had to spend only two more days in the same manner to win the challenge.
The second day arrived. As the time was passing on the confidence of the youth of winning the challenge was going on increasing. The sun went behind the mountains, the moon rose in the sky, still the youth was on the treetop chanting Bagawan's nama.
It was day three. Sunrise followed the dawn. Half of the day passed and there was no sign that the youth would get food from anywhere. Mean while two friends were passing through the forest. They sat under the same tree to have their lunch. As they were enjoying the lunch they heard the foot sound of the horses. They presumed that it would be the dacoits and hence left the place leaving behind their lunch.
The presumption of those friends proved to be right. A gang of dacoits entered the forest and halted under the same tree. One among them went ahead eagerly to have the food. But the gang leader stopped him from doing so. He said, "Stop don't eat it , have you noticed one thing, the food which is left over here seems to be very fresh and no fool will leave the food in such way. There must be surely something fishy in this. There may poison mixed in this food. This may be a plan to trap us. Hence there must be some one around us. So go and search for them".
The youth was totally unaware of all the happenings that were taking place. His only aim was to prove the elderly person wrong and so he was engrossed in chanting. After rigorous search the gang was not able to find any one. So the gang leader orders them to search on the treetop's. The search began and one of the dacoits caught hold of this youth who was sitting on the treetop with his eyes closed and telling something not even knowing that they were besides him now. After seeing the youth the gang was sure that he was one among the persons who had laid down the trap to catch them.
Test the power of namasankeertanam for one whole month and wait for our next issue to find the result of the challenge.
First of all I would like to offer my wholehearted namaskaram (pranam) at the lotus feet of Guruji Amma & my Guruji Mahan Brahmharshi Gopalvalli Dasan. With the blessings of my Guruji I have been able to experience the divine grace of Bagawan Shri Krishna at many circumstances. But among them I would like to share with you one great incident which I had experienced only & only due to the Karunay & Krupa of my Guruji.
It was the monsoon season. I used to go for my CA article ship. One day, I reached the company but immediately after sometime heavy rain showers started. This continued & within some time the electricity in the company got cut off. There was no chance that electricity would come back due to which our work was shattered. It was at last decided to leave the office after lunchtime. Most of the persons working in the company were staying nearby. By this time, we came to know that the trains have stopped completely. Now I had to travel from Thane to Dombivli.
At this moment I got little tensed & afraid. But I remembered my Guruji’s words. “This is the strength of having a ‘Sathguru’. He is always there to help you at any time under any circumstances even though physically not present with you.” My Guruji had told me to keep on chanting “RadheKrishna” & Bagawan will take care of you. We need not to worry about anything as Bagawan is with us at each & every moment. Our duty is just to call him & he is always ready & eagerly waiting to give us a helping hand.
At last I left the company along with some of my colleagues & we reached Thane station. Now I was alone who had to go to Dombivli. The station was fully packed with people all around. This was the first time that I was facing such a situation alone. At last one train was announced & I prayed Krishna that some way or the other you have to be with me & help me to reach home safely. I really did not know that whether I prayed with unconditional faith or whether I chanted continuously but at that time my only intention & objective was that I wanted to reach home safely.
The train arrived, I got into
it & at last it reached Diva station & stopped. After half an hour or so it was
announced the train could not move further & therefore every one started
jumping out of the train & started walking towards Dombivli as it is just at a
distance of 15 to 20 minutes walk. I also decided to jump out of the train &
due to due to the Krupa of my Guruji some ladies helped me out & along with them
I reached Dombivli station. But the ladies had to go to Kalyan & hence they
halted at Dombivli station & I had to move further.
I was extremely happy as I thought that now I could reach home easily. A sigh of relief passed through me. But as soon as I started climbing down the steps, I was extremely afraid & tensed than what I was before. There was water all around and if I would enter the water it would be till my knees. I stopped on the steps & looked around but could not find a single lady. Everywhere I could find only men. I don’t know why my Bagawan brought such a situation in my life. May be wanted to give me this experience & make me realize the truth in my Guruji’s words.
Standing on the steps I prayed to Krishna “ Krishna I don’t know anything but I am going to enter in this water. Krishna, it would be really be grateful if from somewhere or the other there would be at least one lady who could accompany me & help me to reach the bus stop.
Frankly speaking, I could very confidently say that I had neither any true & blind faith nor any sincere prayer but my Guruji who is a ocean of karuney (mercy) & krupa, responded to my call which was not even whole hearted. For me my Guruji is my Bagawan as he is the one who taught namajapam (chanting) who made me realize & feel that Bagawan is true, his presence can be seen & felt at every moment in our life, gave me confidence to lead this life in right way & to enjoy the real happiness in my life. Hence, I could very strongly & confidently say that it is my Guruji only who responded to my call as without him I would have never been aware of the fact that even in the situation where there is no one to help you, if you do namajapam (chanting ) Bagawan will come running to help you,
I started climbing down the steps & to my surprise I found a lady standing exactly in front of me. All this would sound to be dramatic, unbelievable or as a co-incidence but unless one experiences it for himself or herself one cannot understand the power & strength of ‘Sathguru’ & namajapam (chanting). No words in this world can be put forth or joined together to explain & express the power of the teaching of our ‘Sathguru’ & the impact that creates on us.
I went near that lady & I asked her where she was going & whether I could accompany her if our routes were same. To this the lady asked me where I want to go & that she would come with me by whichever rout I want to go. At that time the rain was pouring heavily. Water was almost up to my knee level. I caught the hand of that lady & we started walking. She was the only lady whom I could find all around. Later on after we had walked a few steps, the lady asked me to close my umbrella & she held the umbrella for me & uttered the word, “even if I get drenched its fine, but you don’t get wet, you be comfortable”. Which person, whom you are seeing for the first time, would care for you so much? I really felt extremely relaxed & very much comfortable. We had a long way to go say nearly 10 minutes to reach the bus stop. The road could not be seen as everything was under water. That lady very nicely caught my hands, held umbrella for me, made me feel comfortable, brought me out of my fear & accompanied me till the place from where my bus stop was at a distance of only 2 minutes & from where roads were very clearly visible as the water level was not so high.
On seeing that now I have came out safely of all the hurdles & now surely I could reach home safely my happiness knew no bounds. I asked that lady that my destination had reached & where she wants to go. But that lady kept quite. Then once again I repeated my question to her, she didn’t reply anything clearly but just pointed her hand somewhere & said here only. All this didn’t surprise me that much but the moment I was about to leave after expressing my whole hearted gratitude to her for what she had done for me, she uttered the words “ Vithal, Vithal” & stood at that place itself seeing somewhere & I left as my bus was waiting.
Till that moment I knew nothing & my only objective was that I wanted to come out of all this & reach home safely. This was the only thing I had in my mind. But the moment I left the lady & started moving towards the bus something started going on inside me. I felt I should look back but at the same time some inner voice was telling me the lady wouldn't be there. As now I was confirmed about my safety & was moving towards my bus the questions started running from inside me that who was that lady? Where did she come from, when there was no sign of even single lady present all around? Why did she take so much care of me & came with me up to my bus stop although she wanted to go somewhere else? & last but not the least why did she uttered the words “Vithal, Vithal”?. This was terrific shock for me. Only after I had left that lady & had moved 2-3 steps ahead I realized that it was the effect of namajapam (chanting) & the karuney (mercy) of my Guruji. Till that time the sole intention & aim of my mind was to reach home.
I consider myself as fortunate as well as unfortunate. Fortunate because my Guruji had gifted me such a divine experience to realize the power of a ‘Sathguru’ & namajapam in true sense. And unfortunate as I didn’t even realise that my Guruji & Krishna are helping me out & it flashed to me only after I had left that lady & was moving ahead. I was so much concerned about my safety that I even forgot to express my gratitude to my Guruji & Krishna who did so much for me.
This incident proved to me that our one & only caretaker at all the time & at all the circumstances is our Guruji & no on else. Our duty is just to chant the ‘Mantra’ given by him & he would give us the courage to face any situation & would bring us out of any difficulty. I am very lucky that I did not have any colleague to accompany me till Dombivli otherwise I would have been devoid of such a great divine experience which taught such a great message to me.
I really don’t know what namajapam I had or what sincere prayer I had but my Guruji decided to award me with such a divine experience & hence responded to my call when I was in actual need, had no on to help me & was at such a position when my mind had stopped working totally.
It was only & only Gurukripa & karuney that I got such an experience but failed to thank him for the same immediately as I realized it only after everything had taken place. Such is the greatness of my Sathguru who got pleased & came running to help me even if I lack sincerity.
I can very proudly say that I am the most fortunate to be under the shade of my Sathguruji Mahan Brahma shri Gopalvallidasar, who is the perfect caretaker, who guides me at each & every path of my life & gives me nothing except the true & real happiness, happiness, happiness.
Ever - grateful sishya
the feast for your soul
The ultimate liberator bestowed by lord Krishna
The bestower of the grace of lord Krishna
sathsang programmes
With the blessings of Shri Poojya Shree Shree Amma and Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar the disciples of Mumbai were blessed to hear the pravachan of a great Sathguru Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar.
11July to 15July 2004
Divya Desha Vaibhavam
The five days pravachan on Divya Desha Vaibham revealed the secrets and the stories behind the evolution of the ancient glorified temples of Bharata Bhoomi. Although most of them have never visited the Divya Desham of Kancheepuram (Kannchee Varadharaajan), Thiruvanamthapuram (Anantha Padhamanaabhan), Thiruevvul (Veeraraaghava PerumaaL), Aazhuuaar Thirunagari (Namma Azhwaar), Shree Vaikundam (Choranaadha PerumaaL) each and every disciple were taken to such place through the pravachan.
16July to 10August 2004
The pravachan of great epic of our Hinduism "RAMAYANAM" commenced on 16th July in Ponnu Guruvayoorappan temple of dombivli and will continue till 16th of August.
Being a Krishna Bhakthaa our Sathguru Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar conquered the hearts of each and every one through his pravachan on Ramayanam. It was not just presented as a story but each one accepted the characters of Ramayanam as their role model.
pravachan in Ponnu Guruvayoorappan temple of dombivli
21st July 2004
Aandal Kalyanam
It was the day of Thiruaadipuram : Birthstar of a great Krishna Bhakthaai Aandal. On this day the disciples were blessed to hear the pravachan of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar on the life history of Aandal who is the incarnation of Bhoomi Devi and the divine marriage of Aandal and Bagawan Shri Ranganathan.
23July to 31July 2004
Sathguru Mahaimaa
The Pravachan on Sathguru mahimaa made the disciples realize the importance and need of Sathguru in the life of each jeevathma. The disciples got a golden oppourtunity to hear the stories of great Sathguru of our Bharatha Bhoomi like Vaasistar, Vishwamitrar, Swami Ramanujar, Thirumadichi Aazhwar, Krishna Chaitanya Maha Prabhu and many others. This pravachan made each of the disciples understand the greatness of our Bharatha Bhoomi which is in fact a Bhgavad Bhoomi that has seen so many Guru Parampara.
28th July 2004
'Namasankeertana', an organization called upon our SathGuru Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar for releasing their first copy of brochure on 28th of July, 2004. This function was organized in a very grand and decent manner in the Ponnu Guruvayurappan temple of Dombivli. The members of Namasankeertana considered themselves very lucky as they were gifted with an opportunity of handing over the first copy of their brochure to such a great bhakta and Sathguru. Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar also showered his whole-hearted blessings on this organization. He also expressed the need, importance and his desire of spreading the Mahima of namajapam (chanting Bhagawan's name) in this entire world
our guruji being honoured
our wholehearted dedication
This issue of KrishnaVedham has been dedicated to a great Aacharya Bhakthaa Vaduga Nambi
The great Aacharya bhakthaa, Shironmani of this kaliyuga who is otherwise known
as ‘Andhrapoornar’.
One of the renowned disciple who was not fascinated & attracted even by the
beauty & glory of Shri Ranganathan of Shrirangam, except his Aacharya
Swami Ramanujar
The brave shishya who responded to the call of his Aacharya saying, “
If I come to see the beauty of your Perumal (Shri Ranganathan), then the
milk which I have kept for my Perumal (Swami Ramanujar) would boil & spill
An ever greatful shishya for whom the bagawan was none other than the ‘Paadukai’
(Footware) of his Aacharya Swami Ramanujanr.
A perfect example who reveals the love, affection, unconditional faith,
devotion & dedication that one should have for his Aacharya swami.
An opportunity to feel the sanctity and enjoy eternal happiness
An invitation to attend a divine function.
guruvin padangal