from pravachans of our guruji
jay sathguru
maharaj ki jay
in praise of guru
SathguruHun dev motha
Jayaas vaate tho karAnta
Sutlaa vaibhavacha faAnta
Samarthyapisen. (40)
Sathguruswaroop the santh
Aani devaans maandel kalpaanth
Thethen kainche Uurel samarthya Hariharanche. (41)
Shrimath Daasbodh”}
lines of “Saarth shrimath Daasbodh” describe the superiority
of a Sathguru who is the indescribable and irreconcilable power.
It clearly states that no one is more superior to a Sathguru, not
even Bagawan!!!
is the supreme power; even more superior to Bagawan! What a
Sathguru gives to His disciples can never be given even by Bagawan.
A Sathguru takes all the efforts to make a shishya, into a
‘sathshishya’ (one who is crystal clear by mind as well as
heart). He first of all takes away all the sins of the disciples
and then removes the bad qualities present in them.
all of a sudden, the disciple realizes that whatever he/she had
performed in the past was wrong. By the mercy of a Sathguru, the
disciple becomes capable of taking a firm decision that henceforth
he/she would be only as per the Sathguru’s wishes. It is not at
all the capacity of that disciple, but the whole effort is of a
Sathguru. It is His (Sathguru) dhyanam (meditation) towards the
disciples which makes them to turn towards a right path. A
Sathguru moulds the disciple in such a way that the disciple
becomes a perfect sathsishya to experience and realize Bagawan.
and every moment, the dhyanam (meditation) of a Sathguru for His
disciples makes them to gain several divine experiences through
which the disciple realizes the mercy of Sathguru (Sathguru Kripa).
Hence, it can be said that though a Sathguru is not present
physically with His disciples, He always makes His sanctity to
remain in the hearts and minds of His disciples. These unimaginary
works of a Sathguru are unsurpassed and unparalleled. These works
not only reveal the greatness or mercy of a Sathguru but also His
extra ordinary powers.
Shrimath Daasbodh’ thus clearly states that the sishya
(disciple) who feels that Bagawan is more superior to a Sathguru
is obivously very very less fortunate. This reveals that he (sishya)
is still in an illusionary world. Such great powerful actions and
mercy of a Sathguru cannot be even imagined by Bagawan. Really!
What a Sathguru gives cannot be given, even by Bagawan.
looked at a Sathguru with an ordinary eyes, he seems to be a
normal person like any other but the one who looks at a Sathguru
with the inner eyes i.e., from mind and soul, truly realizes and
experiences that HE IS
NONE OTHER THAN BAGAWAN (i.e., Sakshaath Paramathma
Swaroop). The disciple who looks at a Sathguru with the eyes of
his restricted mind, it is very sure that the disciple would have
the pride of his/her richness, and then the disciple would
consider the Sathguru as poor (less superior). Even after
attaining a Sathguru, if the disciple does not come out of his
illusionary sight then he is no less than a miser!!!
actual form of a Sathguru is an indestructive one. Even the form
of Bagawan gets destructed as in the saga but the form of Sathguru
remains forever and ever. The power of ‘Harihar’ too does’nt
remains for a long time.
Radhekrishna!!! Radhekrishna!!! Radhekrishna!!!
jay sathguru
maharaj ki jay

stories to regain your faith
Krishna!!! The last month issue would have surely created some curiousity and
eagerness in everyone’s mind to know as to who is this Bhaktha!!!
is inclined with God in someway or the other. Everyone go to temple, recite
slokas, do poojas etc.
But do they get peace of mind? Everyone think this is the definition of
devotion but this is not so! Now you will start guessing what is bhakthi? Bhakthi
is, having true love and unconditional faith in Bagawan Krishna!!!!
Krishna is the ocean of mercy. He knows how, when and by whom to give bhakthi.
His incarnation was to shower grace and love on His devotees. He is
incomparable! He expects only true love, crystal clear heart and blind faith on Him. Is
this a big trouble???
But we samsaris trapped in this net of Maya are not able to realize the
need of our soul!! We can attain true and eternal happiness only by doing
bhakthi! Bhakthi is the need of our soul! As we need food while we are
hungry, water while we are thirsty, house for shelter; the same way we need
bhakthi for our soul!!!
Food, water, house etc. is just for the sake of our body but have we ever
thought of our soul, which craves for true and ceaseless happiness?? Being
trapped in this ocean of samsaram we just tend to ignore it!
one of us desires to be happy but we don’t know the exact way to accomplish
it. And at that time comes the Sathguru to pour the grace of Bagawan Shri
Krishna on us and liberate us from the trap of maya. Only by attaining a
Sathguru we come to know the difference between true and temporary happiness.
A sunflower blooms only in the heat of sunrays; any alternative
(artificial) source of heat will wither it, the same way our soul blooms under
the shade of a Sathguru and shrivels in worldly things. A Sathguru alone can
give us the timeless, real and never ending happiness!!!!!!! Anyone and everyone
can do Bhakthi. Infact for today’s so called fast life Bhakthi is the basic
month we are going to see how a Bhaktha fulfilled his basic necessity. This is a
true story, which took place in Moghul period!! In a small village there was a
young boy who used to rear cows. He was an orphan. As he used to rear the cows
everyone called him ‘Mauji’. He was very innocent rural boy belonging to a
lower caste. He was unaware of any philosophy about the Supreme One. Sometimes
it is person like these who are able to attain the Supreme One easily rather
than those having bookish knowledge of scriptures and Vedhas!!!
day, as usual he was rearing the cows in the morning by a riverside. At that
time he saw a Brahmin doing some rituals. The Brahmin was closing his eyes and
performing some gestures like holding his nose, touching his ears, holding the
palms etc. The Mauji was interestingly watching the Brahmin with curiousity. He
wanted to know what the Brahmin was doing. So he waited for the Brahmin to open
his eyes.
the Brahmin finished his rituals, Mauji very innocently asked him, “What were
you doing?” Seeing the innocent boy, the Brahmin thought, ‘why I should
explain these things to a person of a lower caste.’ Some Brahmins consider
themselves as superior. But really speaking a person is not a Brahmin by the
caste but by his karma. A person who in real knows the Brahma (supreme one) is
Brahmin. Just for the sake of giving reply the Brahmin told, “closing my eyes,
holding nose tightly I am seeing ‘Bagawan
Shri Krishna’!!” Hearing this Mauji’s happiness knew no bounds. He
had never seen or heard about Lord Krishna, so he became very eager to see as to
what it was!!! The Brahmin thought that the Mauji was a fool and how could such
a lower caste uninformed person get to see the divine power i.e. Lord
Krishna!!!! On the other hand the innocent and childlike Mauji being very happy
was determined to see Lord Shri Krishna and decided to sit down, close his eyes
and hold his nose. He had an unconditional belief that ‘if I do so I am sure
to see Bagawan Shri Krishna’.
you wondering that is this the right way to do bhakthi? Will the Mauji be able
to see Bagawan Krishna? Will his desire and determination get fulfilled?
know whether the Mauji succeeds or not, wait till our next issue!!!!!
Radhekrishna Radhekrishna Radhekrishna!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jay sathguru
maharaj ki jay

the power of divine grace
Shree Poojyashree Shree Amma
Shri Mahan Brahmashri Gopalavallidasar
Shri Radhe Krishna
since my Guruji Mahan Brahmashree Gopalavallidasar
(guruji) have come into my life, life itself has become an amazing experience.
Every second is now a divine experience. Previously
any difficulty or challenge in life and I used to get scared and tensed up. But
after Guruji’s arrival no difficulty is scary and there is an absolutely
terrific sense of winning attitude in life. Guruji changed my whole approach
towards life. I would like to apologise to use the word “I” again and again,
but because there is no other word to substitute in English we are forced to use
the same. It’s a humble request to treat the world “I” as adiyen (servant
of guru Gopalavallidasar).
was a typical college guy who never used to college and used to indulge myself
in all the bad activities a person can do. As a result I failed in my final
year. I reappeared and failed yet again. Everyone lost hopes on me and threw me
away from their mind. I was shattered. That was the time when GURUJI arrived.
Today when I think of that day I do not have words to explain. Imagine a
lion’s cub just a few months old, is left alone and all the predators of the
jungle (the world) ready to pounce and eat it up. At that moment just imagine
the cub’s situation. It does not know how long it is going to live and there
is no one to save. Absolutely no one!!! All hopes are lost. Everything
is lost. And at that moment the lion (Guruji) walks in such a stride and
standing in front of all those predators gives out a roar that would scare
everyone. The lion SINGLE HANDEDLY takes the cub to safety and not only saves it
but also teaches the cub to fight and win at all times. That was what GURUJI
did. He taught me to win in life. To win at all times. Under all circumstances.
He taught me the most important and in fact the only important thing in life.
The all powerful weapon with the ability to break all barriers. Any obstacle,
any problem, the one and only one solution to win, “RADHEKRISHNA!!!”
the power of chanting I gave my exams and passed. The power started to flow. The
magic started in my life. All tensions and worries ran away from my mind.
Confidence, peace of mind and absolute happiness filled my mind. Everyone had
said that I can never even go for a normal job of an accountant or an office boy
or even a peon. Guruji told me only one thing CHANT Radhekrishna. Keep chanting.
The magic happened yet again. I got a job in the topmost private sector banks in
India. A job which recruits only professional people as a staff. I got a job as
a staff. Many obstacles came in my way during the time I started working. Guruji
told me only one thing that see the message and learn from it, instead of seeing
the incident and feeling bad. I went on with the power of chanting and became a
top performer for my bank. The music began and promotions flowed in. A
worthless, useless, good for nothing person like me had reached such a position
in life which was unbelievable. I reached a managerial level in the bank. Such
is the greatness of Guruji that He Himself alone brought me to this position, He
only gave everything and in front of the world it seemed as if I have done it. I
dedicate every single second of my success to Guruji’s ‘lotus feet’
was the month of October 2004. My branch manager was on leave and I had to
handle the branch on my own. The date was October 23rd 2004. My
branch always has huge amount of cash deposits and the inflow goes to really 1.5
crores per day. There were two tellers and one of them had newly joined. Hardly
five days old in the bank. As usual the cash was tallied by the two tellers.
There was a difference of one lakh. I thought there might be a system error and
hence checked all the entries. But after checking all entries also, we could not
find the difference and there was a shortage of one lakh. I could remember only
one person for help and the person was “GURUJI”. I prayed to GURUJI for help
and started chanting. Suddenly GURUJI gave me the answer. “Tally the
and my colleague together tallied all the denominations of both the tellers one
by one. It is a process where a check how much cash was brought in, how much
cash had come from customers, how much cash had been given to customers and how
much should remain. When we did that it was clearly seen that out of the two
teller’s one teller’s denominations were not tallying at all. When I asked
her as to why her denominations were not tallying. She did not give a favorable
reply. I reported this incident to my superiors and he came the next day for
checking. After checking and questioning everyone he was also sure that the
suspected teller was responsible for this. But there was no proof and also she
did not accept that she had done this. This matter got reported to the audit and
legal department and they came to the branch for an interrogation.
all this time I was pretty relaxed because I was no where involved in the teller
counter and hence there was no risk for me. The people who were going to come
for the interrogation were the courtesy head, the audit head and the legal head.
The interrogation started. They were questioning every one. They questioned me
also. After some time I came to know that the female who was the main suspect
had told them that she suspects me as I was handling the branch and hence all
keys were with me. The topic continued and to my shock I found out that they all
were now suspecting me. I was terribly shocked.
next day they said that a police case would be filed and we all would have to
explain it to the police.
that time all the superiors in the bank had taken their support back and refused
to do anything for us. There was no one and absolutely no one to help. The day
arrived when we had to go to the police. It was a CBI investigation. It was a
day wherein if I failed to prove myself then I would not only lose my job, but
also spend a valuable part of my life in a jail and for no fault of mine. I had
no one with me, no one except my Guruji.. He was my one and only one power who
would surely help me to win the battle. I spoke to guruji and He told me that if
Dhruva and Prahlad would have lost hopes then they would not have seen Lord
Krishna. He gave me the unknown confidence inside me that he is always there for
day the investigation started and when my turn came I said only one prayer in my
mind. “Oh Krishna, I don’t know anything. What has happened and what will
happen. What to speak and what not to speak. But you know everything. You speak
through me. You keep me as a medium to speak.” This was the prayer guruji
asked me to pray. I went inside and sat. The chanting started to flow inside
automatically. It was as if someone from inside was automatically singing it
continuously. The questions were raised and the answers suddenly started pouring
from my mouth. Perfect answers to all the questions. I never understood even how
it all finished, but they asked me to leave. Only I was asked to leave. I left
and was on my way back to the branch when my colleague called me and said that
we all were free. They understood we were innocent. I was stunned, amazed and
spell bounded. Tears started flowing from my eyes and I could just cry and thank
guruji for again making me win so easily.
life is nothing without my guruji. I only have one wish; to fulfill all the
wishes of my guruji and become His sathshishyan. I just want a place near his
lotus feet. Radhekrishna. Till guruji asks me to write.
jay sathguru maharaj ki jay

feast for your soul
jay sathguru
maharaj ki jay

sathsang programmes
in Mumbai
Mumbai disciples were blessed to hear the pravachan of Mahan Brahmashri
Gopalavallidasar. The sathsang was about Madhurakavi azhwaar’s “Kanni nun
siruth thaambu”. Among the twelve Azhwaars Madhurakavi azhwaar was the only
one who did not sing the praise of God. For Him His Guru “Swami Nammaazhwaar”
was His God. The speciality of ‘Kanni nun siruth thaambu’ is that if it
didn’t exist there would have been no Nalaayira Dhivyaprabandham. Mahan Brahma
Shri Gopalavallidasar explained the paasurams in such a beautiful way that it
melted everyone’s heart. After hearing the experience of Madhurakavi azhwaar
everyone yearned to do such a gurubhakthi. Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
described the necessity of a Sathguru to lead a life void of sorrows. India has
a rich culture of guruparampara. She has witnessed great gurus like Swami
Nammaazhwaar, Swami Ramanujar, Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and many more; and
great sishyas like Madhurakavi azhwaar, Vaduganambi, Mudhaliyaandan,
Roopagoswamy, Sanathanagoswamy etc. we should consider ourselves to be lucky to
be born in such a great country!!! So our duty is to preserve this rich
tradition of guruparampara.
day before when Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar was leaving for Chennai,
pravachan on ‘Raasakreedai’ was held. Everyone enjoyed the sathsang so much
that they felt as if they were in ‘dwaaparayuga’ with Lord Krishna. Mahan
Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar elucidated he bhakthi of gopis in a very beautiful
manner. After hearing that everyone felt to be like a gopi. While concluding the
pravachan He said that if we have true love (‘premai’) for Lord Krishna He
is bound to play raasakreedai with us also.
Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar left for Chennai on February 6th.
Sathsang by Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar
on 'Azhwaargal Vaibhavam'
is going on at Godhanda Ramar Temple at Chrompet, Chennai, from 7.30 pm to
is full of surprises. Radhekrishna sathsang is presenting three
more sites with the sole intention of giving you timeless happiness and to
spread Krishna’s devotion all over. Call it a blessing of Bagawan Shri
we got an opportunity to learn, recite and memorise
Bhagwath Geetha with no strain.
Just click Gopalavedha Geetha. We should consider ourselves gifted for
being able to recite the words of Bagawan Shri Krishna. The sloka and its
meaning have been presented in Hindi, English and Tamil. You are blessed to hear
these slokas in the divine voice of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar. There
will be regular updates.
another blog from Radhekrishna sathsang!!! We have tried to reach people on
other part of the globe to give them ceaseless happiness and make them realize
the real purpose of life! Such is the greatness of our Guruji! The only
aspiration of our Guruji is to shower the mercy of Bagawan Shri Krishna on
everyone without any bar. This new exciting blog will be launched tomorrow (11th,
Feb). Keep guessing and the surprise will be in front of you the very next day.
Logon here.
e-magazine is going to be launched this month. What’s new about it? It’s in
an Indian Language. This site is intended to spread the message of Bhakti and
reach the people in a simpler and easier way in their own Language. Keen to know
the Language? Secret will be revealed on 14th Feb.
Click Surprise
more Site from Radhekrishna sathsang is going to be unveiled Next Month. To know
more about it wait for our Vedhanaadham March issue.
jay sathguru
maharaj ki jay

our wholehearted dedication
issue we are dedicating to Shrimati Vishnupriya Devi.
Shrimati Visnupriya Devi was born in the month of sukla
paksha of magh.
A devotee of Lord Visnu right since her childhood.
Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu’s humble sishyaa and wife.
The one who always used to chant the holy nama.
Such a great devotee who would joyfully place a grain of
uncooked rice in a pot by chanting the maha manthra each time.
She would chant in this way until three o’ clock and take
whatever rice had accumulated and cook it.
A firm devotee who sacrificed her entire life at a very young
age when Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu attained sanyas.
Her agony of separation was so much that hearing her tears
the earth would split and even the stones would also shed tears.
jay sathguru
maharaj ki jay

jay shree
radhekrishna sathsang
jay shree poojyashree
jay mahan braham shri gopalavallidasar
