JANUARY 2005 ISSUE       




Extracts from the pravachan of our guruji 


This new year a suprise gift for you all --SATHGURU GEETHA in the own words of 




jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



  Hymns in praise of guru 


|| tadviDHi praNIpaatEna paripraSHnena sevaya

upadEkshyanti tey jnyanam jnaninas tatvadarSHinaha ||

                               (BHAGAVAD GITHA CHAPTER 4 STANZA 34)


By being humble, if one renders service to the enlightened souls (jnyaanis) and questions them in a proper manner, the jnyaanis will impart the proper knowledge and show the true light.


Prior to   stanza 34, Bagawan Shri   Krishna in chapter 4 tells Arjuna about the  various  forms of sacrifices. Many of  such  sacrifices have been  prescribed in The Vedas. Some  yogis  sacrifices  materiality,  some practice pranayamas [breathing exercise] while controlling their diets, some offer penances, etc.  All these practices help a yogi in fixing his mind  and  attaining The Supreme Lord. Through  constant practice of such  sacrifices, one can be freed  from  the  karmic  cycle.  But  Bagawan  Shri  Krishna  also  adds  that  one  ought to  obtain  the  Supreme Knowledge.  Attaining such knowledge is preferred rather than  performing material sacrifices. Now who will impart such knowledge?


Bagawan Shri Krishna  has  an  answer  in  stanza  34. To attain this knowledge, first one has to attain a Sathguru. A Sathguru is  the one who  has realised  the Supreme  and  his  mind  is constantly  fixed in His thoughts.  He  has  crossed  the  bounds of His  maya.  A  Sathguru  appears that he is bound by maya. So worldly people think that he is just an ordinary person  and  hence  why he should be given so much  importance. But  the real fact is that, mentally a Sathguru is totally on a different arena. He is engaged in constant conversations with the Bagawan. So never underestimate a Sathguru. A Sathguru is the person who possesses the Perfect Supreme Knowledge. Coming under His shade is the first  step in  obtaining the knowledge. If you have the  thirst  for a Sathguru, He  will surely come to you. Lets go to  the next step.


As we all  know  there is a  correct  and a  proper way of doing  everything.  So  there  is  a  way  to  question a  Sathguru  and obtain  knowledge  from  Him. You  can't just show off your pride before Him. A Sathguru  only  sees  whether  you have true  bhakti or  not. You  just  can't attract  him  with  your money, beauty, material  knowledge, etc. Can these temporary and  transitory  things affect a person  who  constantly enjoys  the Permanent  Beauty?  Never. So  first a Sathguru  destroys the ego and  pride in  you. When  mind  is  free of ego, it easily surrenders itself to the feet of the Sathguru.  Rendering  of service  to  a  Sathguru  is essential. 


There  are  two  types  of  services.  They   are- aagyakainkaryam and anugyakainkaryam. The former term means that one has to do  whatever  a  Sathguru  tells. The  latter  term  means that one renders  services to a  Sathguru as per his  wishes. Sathguru  doesn't   order  anything. Then  with  the calm and  ego  free mind  question the Sathguru. The  Sathguru  under  this  situation  will  definitely  show  the  Real Light.  After  obtaining  the  Knowledge the  mind  is  constantly  engaged  in  thinking  Him and  this  is  how a soul  (individual)  meets  the supreme  soul  (Bagawan ShriKrishna).


jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Short stories to regain faith 

As seen in our last issue, Bagawan  Krishna is the ocean of mercy who never considers the status  but the heart  of  the  person.  If a thief who wanted  to loot Krishna’s jewels  can turn  into a  devotee  and attain moksha , then  why can’t we?


Bagawan Krishna never discriminates; according to  HIM  all are one and the same. No matter whoever it is, be it a scholar  Brahmin or an unwise  thief,  Krishna is only concerned with a crystal clear heart so that HE  can  reside  in  it. HE is the ocean of  mercy  who is waiting to  shower HIS  grace on us. But unfortunately  we never call  HIM  and  finally  we  blame  HIM  for not  fulfilling  our  wishes. If we chant constantly and if our  prayers are sincere i.e. the  prayer  should  come from the ‘ core of our  heart , then no  doubt HE  will shower  HIS grace.  We  can  bear  anything in this world; hunger,  humiliation, anything, but  what  we can  never  bear  is Krishna  Kripai  {Krishna’s mercy}.


Krishna  namasankeerthana  is  the  most  powerful one. It can  be  done  by  anybody  and  everybody.  It is our Kaliyuga dharma. Chanting Krishna can do  miracles. Krishna namasankeerthana destroys all our sins and gives us a new life rather to say we are reborn the day we get manthraupadhesam (chanting HIS Name in the ears of a disciple by a Sathguru ) from a Sathguru.


In Krishna Karnaamrutham, Sri Leela Sukar  says, “If chanting the Lord's Name and surrendering to Bagawan Krishna  can give moksha  then is  it necessary for me to  say that it  would  also  give  worldly  pleasures?” When Draupathi  was  screaming for  help  when her saree was forcibly removed, nobody could  help her. The Pancha Pandavas being at the same place were  helpless  and  could  not  do  anything.  The  only  thing,  which  saved  her was   ‘Krishna  Namasankeerthanam’. Gajendra,   the  elephant  was     bitten  by a  crocodile.  All   its  family  members   were   present   but  everyone  was helpless. Then  it  finally  realised  that  nobody  except  the  Supreme  power  {Krishna} could  save it  and  shouted  HIS   nama.  No  sooner  did   it  complete  screaming  than  Bagawan  Krishna  reached  there  and saved its life.


This is the power of  Krishna Namasankeerthanam. Krishna  is dayasagar, kripasindhu (the ocean of mercy).  HIS  grace  on  everyone  is  impartial. HE  is  the  only  one  who  looks  our  inner  beauty  and understands our inner feelings.


Even  though  we  chant  Krishna  Namasankeerthanam  doubtedly,   humiliatingly,  angrily,  or  just  for  sake of fun;  then  too  Krishna  will  shower  HIS  grace  on  us. What  HE  wants  is that anyhow  we should chant HIS nama. See what  a mercy  Krishna  has!!!!!!!   


 Great  are our  Bhakthas who  had  realised  Krishna  and  experienced  HIM. Krishna has varieties of Bhakthas. Not   only  Aazhwaars,  saints  and sages   but  also an unwise  thief,  cobbler, potter, etc……. Each one of them has experienced HIM in a different manner.


In the coming issues also we are going to see a different Bhaktha who got Krishna’s darshan in a very simple and easy manner that no one could have ever thought of!!! Who is this Bhaktha? How did he get to see Krishna? What did he do? Eager to know?


Wait till the next issue. Till then chant and enjoy the power of the Maha Manthra “Radhekrishna”………….

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



The power of divine grace 

First of all I would like to thank my Guruji Gopalvallidasar who has given me such a great experience to realize the power of chanting  and existence  of God.   My  ananth koti pranams to my Guruji and Guruji Amma. I am surrendering myself, all my karmas and my experiences at the lotus feet of Guruji amma and Guruji.


Now let me first introduce myself, I am a Maharashtrian girl from  middle class family living in Kandivali(w), Mumbai .  I  never  believed  in god  and  had never done any pooja or archana. At those time I used to be very tensed and  was always in  search of something but unable  to find it. But today I  know my  aim is to  become a satshishya,  just do  namajapam, to see  Krishna and enjoy eternal happiness which could be found only and only at the lotus feet of Poojyashree Shree Amma and Guruji. I met  Guruji  through  one of  His  disciples  and  took  manthra  upadhesam  from  Him and  started chanting, following the path of Bhakti. And since that day I started enjoying my life each and every moment.  Lot of problems came in my life but I could successfully come out of it by my Guruji’s grace and chanting. With the grace of Guruji Amma and Guruji I would like to share one of my experiences with you all.


I am  working in a  Multinational Company where we  have to deal with original diamonds; I am working in this company as a  “Jewellery Photographer”(Lab Assistant)  dealing  with  diamond jewellery  and not loose stones (diamonds). So, basically  I have  the  responsibility of  jewels only.  Everyday  we have  to tally each and every jewels, stones (diamonds), gems etc.


On Friday (6th Feb2004), as usual I left the office at around 6pm and there was some problem in the office that day. As we work for only five days a week, I was unaware of  the incident. I reached the office on  Monday ( 9th  Feb 2004 ) morning at 9.30am. But  we were not  allowed to enter the office. We were surprised as to what exactly was going on. Then we  came to know that people who  were tallying on Friday found  2 Diamonds  missing in an envelop. The costs of the  stones were 10 lakhs  each and  those were customer’s  stones.  That  day  all seniors  were  searching  the entire office  due  to  which  we  were  not allowed  inside. After  some time  we were  called  inside to search  in  our own desk, bags etc. We did the same  but  didn’t  find  anything.  Then  we  started our  work. Everyone was tensed and was working under pressure.


There were a few people who were under investigation (1) who took the diamonds from client (2) who passed the entry (3) who  passed  the diamonds in lab (4) who was  working on those stones. So these four people were suspected. The manager  (1MD, two managers) were  questioning  these  four people but were  unable  to  find  any  clues. In  the  evening  we  all were called in boss’s  cabin. There he announced, “The diamonds has been flicked  (stolen) by  someone and not  misplaced. Whoever has stolen should give it back. Company will not take any strict  action  and  will not  call the  cops (police) but if the culprit doesn’t  come  ahead  and  gives back  the diamonds then  police and  CID would  be called for  further investigation. The one who is not involved in this matter will  also be enquired and will  have to suffer the police investigation”. We left home and were called the next day.


  All these days I used to pray Krishna to help us to find the culprit and make me tension free and was chanting continuously.              


Next day on Tuesday (10th Feb 2004), I reached the office late. I went inside the lab and started searching for the  diamonds with other  people.  At that time the Head of the lab  was checking Friday’s punch in and out timings of all employees . We get a daily summary  sheet  where punch in  and out details of all employees  is  available. The Head of the lab was enquiring all those people who had left their seats on Friday. Then she  asked a guy as to why he went out on that day. He didn’t reply immediately. So she  turned to

another  guy. After some time the first guy interrupted her and said that everyday he used to go out after lunch. I found something  suspicious but I didn’t bother to think on it. I was thinking  about the  diamonds and  started looking  here and  there. Suddenly  I  looked  down  near  dustbin  where I  saw a packet  containing  something. I  picked  it  up, opened and saw two diamonds in it. I came out shouting that I have found the diamonds.  


Everybody  was happy  and  started  thanking  and asking  me how I  found it. I thanked   Krishna that  he made me tension  free. Because  of Him we found the diamonds. But my happiness didn’t last long. When the MD (Managing Director) came, I was called  inside. I went in, happily thinking that he would appreciate and thank me. But he told me, “So you are the ‘star of the show’.” I thought he is praising me, but he asked me many questions as to how I found the diamonds, what I did afterwards etc.  When I  came out  I  started  feeling uneasy, getting some bad intuition. I  called  up  Guruji to  tell  him about this (It was my good luck that time Guruji was in Bombay) but He was not available at that time. Again after lunch, boss called me in the cabin. There were three managers sitting and questioning  me. They  asked me to  show  the place and do practically what I was doing at the time when  I found the stones. I  showed them  everything. After all these questions and investigation I came to know that these people were  suspecting and  not praising me.


 I collapsed, was worried and started  thinking  that  just because I found the stones and picked it up, these people were suspecting me. Now  there  were  6 people suspected (1) who took the diamonds from the client (2) who passed the entry (3) who  passed the diamonds  in the lab (4) who was working on those stones (5) my colleague who was there  with me  when I found stones (6) myself. Although these people were involved under investigation, I came to know that I was in a big trouble as the stones were found by me and all managers were harassing and asking me many  personal questions. There was another problem. The colleague who was with me at that  time was  changing her  statement in  every visit  to the managers  which put me  in a big trouble  because  those  people started thinking  that  I and my colleague who were working together had stolen the stones and were planning  to  get  the  profit 50-50. I was just chanting and praying to Krishna to help me,  tried  calling  Guruji  again and again but He was in sathsang. I  was  getting  more and  more  tensed and worried.


 I didn’t understand whom to call for help because at that time I was staying alone in Mumbai with my brother. My parents were out of Mumbai. I  called  up  my  father and gave him an idea about the situation. I was crying over the phone. I told my father to come  immediately  but it  takes  1  day to  reach. He  said that he was leaving the very same day and would reach the next day but I wanted him to reach at that moment only. I didn’t understand what to do. Where to go? Whom to call? I called up my best friend but  he was busy  and was unable to come. Seeing all these I came to know that no one  was  with  me. At  such times only, one can differentiate between a  friend and a foe. Even my colleagues were thinking that I was a thief. I was mentally shattered and bit scared but  I was  continuously chanting and I prayed to Krishna ,“I will face the situation but who ever is the culprit  should come  ahead and accept the  offence, I am not guilty, no one is there with me, you and only  you can  help  me.”   


Then I was called inside again. The managers were actually forcing me to accept the offence. I was  denying it repeatedly. I was on the right path and had full confidence that Krishna would help me and no one could do anything if I was not guilty. I didn’t know at that time whether I was talking  to  managers  or  some  power  was  making  me to  talk. Although I was crying I was giving them  answers and  making  my  point  clear.  The other people under investigation were totally collapsed, scared and were not able to  face the  situation. They couldn’t speak anything. But just because of extreme power with  me, I told the  managers that if they could prove that I had stolen the stones then I would accept. They told me  that  if I  accepted the offence then they would just cut my one-month’s salary and if not then  they  would  call  the  cops (police).


  Again  I felt some power with me, which made me to  say,  “I  am  not  guilty,  I  have  not  done  any  offence  and will  not  accept anything that is wrong. If you can’t call the cops then I will call them”.  Then they asked me, “Do you suspect anyone?” I don’t  know  why  and  how  I  took  the  name  of  the first guy  who was questioned by the  Head of the Lab was questioning. I told the incident about that guy (which I explained earlier) and told them why I was nervous. I was just chanting, praying  and  crying.  After  some  time  when  I  was  sitting in lab, the Managing director came to me and asked for an apology in front of everyone. I didn’t understand what was happening. He told  everyone  that  I was innocent  and the culprit was indeed the first guy questioned by the Head of the Lab. I felt so relaxed. I wondered as to how that guy admitted that he was the culprit. He also said I was innocent and I  was not related to this offence. After listening this I was stunned for some  time  because  whatever I  prayed came true. Everybody in office apologized to me. Everyone including the boss started appreciating my honesty and praised me. They gave me a letter of appreciation on the next day.


After that day my confidence on chanting the name of Lord Krishna  became  stronger and  stronger and I realized the power of Guruji and the importance of a Guru in one’s life. A Guru not only gives happiness but also guides you. He shows you the path of bhakti  and  also  success.  I don’t  know  how much  bhakti, trust I had  on Krishna at that time but Krishna still helped me.  What a mercy He has!!! I just know  one  thing. At that time  Guruji’s  blessings  and  chanting   only  saved   me  from  this   big  trouble. I  faced  that   situation successfully as I was totally  dependent  on  my  Guru  and  today also I  am  dependent only  on my Guru. After  that  day  within  six  months I  got  promotion  and  increment  also. Even my friends experienced the power of chanting  because  chanting is  the  only way to achieve eternal happiness.







jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Feast for your soul 





jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Sathsang programmes 


Guruji Amma’s  visit to  Mumbai  has been a  really  wonderful  experience  for  all  those  present  in Mumbai. For  those  who were  not able to attend  Gurujiamma’s sathsang in Mumbai,  we have tried to compile Gurujiamma’s  messages ,soul soothing words ,and six days Gurujiamma's sathsang so that you can gain from it. 

Just click        MEMORABLE DAYS

The pravachan of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar on “Thiruppaavai” touched the hearts of everyone. This is not  an  exaggeration. This  is  the  third  successive  year  in Mumbai;  the   pravachan  of  Mahan  Brahma  Shri Gopalavallidasar took  place during  the month  of “maargazhi”.  It was  held from 25th  December  to  4th  January. Guruji  gave  the  explanation  of  each  and  every  word  and  specified  very clearly  that everyone  think   that  “Thiruppaavai” should be sung only during maargazhi but it is not so.  It can be sung  everyday  without considering any months. The depth of every word that Guruji  explained  made  everyone  to  experience  the real happiness. All the disciples were immersed in the  pravachan. He said  Thiruppaavai  is collection  of divine songs, which  very well explains the importance of Namasankeertana.  Every  one could  feel the sanctity. The  pravachan on  Thiruppaavai ended with “Aandaal kalyaanam”.

Pravachan  on  DHIVYA  PRABHANDAM  is  going  on at Brindavan  Society, Thane(w). People  over there are truly cherishing the Pravachan of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar. It will continue up to 15th of January 2005. Timings 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

Radhekrishna sathsang is collecting old clothes to distribute it to the Tsunami victims, so you can also help contribute towards it. Contact us tel no. (0251)2821579, (0251)2801162.

Forthcoming Pravachan of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar will be published in 2-3 days

Date 16 jan timings :1/2005/1.00am to /2005/1.00p.m ,6.45p.m. to 8.45 p.m venue:Mr Janiraman residence,Ganeshpuri,near Subash Dairy, Gandhinagar,Dombivili(e)

Date 17 jan to 21 jan timings :6.45p.m. to 8.45 p.m topic:\Dhiyva Prabandham venue:Dhiren Jyot,Rajaji Path Dombivili(e)

Date 22 jan timings :1/2005/1.00am to /2005/1.00p.m ,6.45p.m. to 8.45 p.m venue:Om Shiv Parvati bldg,Nadivili Road,Dombivili(e)

Date 26 jan timings :6.45p.m. to 8.45 p.m venue:Mr Srinivasan residence,2nd floor Femina apts,Gupte Road,Dombivili(w)

Date 28 jan to 30 jan timings :6.45p.m. to 8.45 p.m venue:Mr. Hari Kumar A-203, Dhuri Sagar CHS,Dhuri Complex, Om Nagar, Vasai Road (west)-401202

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay



Our wholehearted dedications 

The  divine child  born to  a devout couple  who were the  sishyaas of   Thirumazhisai Azhwar.

  The  devotee who was well versed in all sorts of vedic philosophies and spiritual books.

The great devotee who  always revered  Thirimazhisai   Azhwar as his guru.

The acharya devotee who refused to sing the praise of an egoistic and haughty king.

  The unique devotee for whom his Acharyan asked EmpEruman (Lord Vishnu)  to leave his  temple and  come  along  with them as they left Kanchi.

A  sishyan  who  made  a  king  realise  the  folly  of  disrespecting  devotees  and showed him the path of spiritual awakening.

     || Kanni Kannan Thiruvadigale Sharanam ||         || Thirumazhisai Azhwar Thiruvadigale Sharanam || 

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay