vedham 1 slokam 1




                                                             What is the root cause of sorrows?


ASHRADHAI(lack of sincerity or dedication)

There are many reasons which may bring disturbance in our daily course of life. Whatever these may be, the root cause can be aptly described as ashradhai i.e lack of sincerity or dedication. For instance lack of interest at work place, disinterest in studies, household work, daily duties etc. For the first time when a person takes a duty he is very much enthusiastic and alert so he performs the work with utmost dedication and derives a lot of happiness. But with passage of time he loses interest in his duties. His overconfident attitude overtakes his duty conscious attitude. This is where his sorrows begin the cause of which can be termed as "ASHRADHAI"

The only remedy to overcome this attitude is to perform the duty as he did the first time; with dedication, sincerity. We must do our duty by treating each day on its merits because each day is different from the previous day as well as the next day. Also we should do namajabam every day. While performing our duty the only form of devotion which can inculcate a sense of sincerity is "namasankeetanam". It helps to have a focus and maintains the momentum from within as we get completely engrossed in our duty; thus removing all sorrows from our lives

                                                                               10th july 2004
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  Guru dhobi sikh kapda,saboo sirjan har

   surti sila pur dhoiye,nikse jyoti apaar

Guru the washer man, disciple the cloth. The name of God liken to the soap. Wash the mind on foundation firm. To realize the glow of Truth.




In this Doha , Sant Kabir shows the quality of a good teacher, the Guru. Like only by following the technique of washing clothes, the washer cleans the cloth, same way the preceptor or the teacher takes upon himself to cleanse the mind of his disciples and guide them to realize the Truth within.  

Viewed in context of our day-to-day life, we can observe that only when we are totally involved in our actions, only then we can be assured of achieving results.  Diligence, dedication and total intensity is required while performing any act, only then one finds the true joy, the fulfillment.



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In this kaliyuga the easiest way of attaining God is namasankeertanam i.e. chanting Lord's name continuously. But most of the people are ignorant about this.Even if any one is aware of it they don't have confidence in it because they don't have a sathguru to guide them. Attainment of sathguru is the sole purpose of our birth. Without a sathguru our life is like a fertile land waiting for the rains.


But we are fortunate to have attained our sathguru "MAHAN BRAHMA SHRI GOPALAVALLIDASAR"  (disciple of POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA) who has redefined our lives and added meaning to it. HE has told us many real stories, which have inspired and instilled in us a fire to attain Lord Krishna. One among those is presented below for you.


There was a temple of Lord Krishna in a small village. In that village there used to be bhajans and chanting of Lord Krishna's Nama daily.There was time when each and every village used to chant and conduct bhajans commemoratively which is a testimony to our glorious past. In our scriptures it has been told that


"Harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam

khalauv nasthyeva nasthyeva nasthyeva ghathiranyatha"


To chant Hari's name is the one and only way to escape the samsarasagar in this kaliyuga.


So chanting is the easiest way to attain God in this kaliyuga.


Now in that same village there lived a youth. He had no belief in God. He considered it to be waste of time and felt that they were mere superstitions. Once the bhajans were going on in the temple & the youth got irritated & asked them to stop it. One elderly person among them advised the youth to realize the importance of Namasankeertanam. Even though the youngster disagreed with the elderly person, the latter tried to convince him about the power of namasankeertanam. However intense the argument became the elderly person tried to convince him politely. Such is the grace of sathguru. The argument between them continued and at last it ended up in a challenge between the youth and that elderly person. The terms of challenge were such that the youth would chant Lord Krishna's Nama continuously for 3 days & within that period he should get food from somewhere. If the youth loses he would accept the advice of the elderly person and start chanting the Nama of Krishna continuously. On the contrary, if the elderly person loses everyone should stop chanting Krishna's Nama.


Seeing the confidence of the elderly person the youth confided with the agreement and started chanting Lord Krishna's Nama continuously.


Accordingly, the youth decided to go to such a place where he would not be noticed by anyone & hence there would be no chance of anyone providing him with food. If he had stayed at home or at his friends place or within the limits of the village he would have been coaxed and fed. Thus he decided to go to a forest  & settled himself on one of the branches of a huge tree.




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My first experience that God exists was during my CA-PE-1 exam time. It is not appropriate to say ‘my’ experience. It was actually a divine & a memorable experience given by my Guruji, MAHAN BRAMHA SHRI GOPALAVALLIDASAR (disciple of POOJYA SHREE SHREE AMMA). 


It was my last paper i.e. business communication and management. Throughout the year this was the only subject, which harassed me. But still at the last moment I somehow managed   to study the subject. But I wasn’t confident at all.

Then I met my Guruji. He encouraged me to chant & surrender myself to Krishna . I found the concept well and started practicing it. I was happy. It eased out my tensions and exam fear. My first three exams went well. Finally the fearful paper arrived. Actually I was afraid of the vast portion. Management consisted of some 300 odd pages & B.C.  had 36 chapters. I was tensed as to how I was going to complete the portion on the last day. My start was good. I gained a good momentum by chanting and speaking to my guru.  In the evening I started feeling uneasy.  

Somehow everything seemed blank. Tension started creeping in. I had just read some 150 odd pages in management. My exam was scheduled at 8.00 in the morning. I tried to concentrate but in vain. I tried to call Guruji but he wasn’t available. Literally I was crying. I thought I would appear next CA Foundation attempt. But I started chanting vigorously. At last, the motivation given by chanting helped me to stay awake the whole night. Still in the morning I had finished with management only. 36 chapters in B.C. left and just half an hour left. O Krishna ! I wasn’t tensed like this in my lifetime. Still I managed to study just two chapters in half an hour. But I studied only one question perfectly and had a little knowledge of B.C. then came the awaited moment. I chanted vigorously while going to the center. I don’t say I placed unconditional faith in god. But somehow somewhere at the bottom of` my heart that my Guruji won’t let me down. That bit of faith saved me. The only question I had perfected came. Others I could answer with little knowledge. but the whole role was played by lord Krishna . The exam went satisfactorily and in the evening I met Guruji and heaved a sigh a relief.  

Now the result time . I wasn’t tensed at all. I saw the result on the net- O Krishna –12th rank all over India .  I was not feeling excited. Lord Krishna indeed did it for me. The small faith in my Guruji had helped me to secure the national rank. This experience strengthened my belief in my Guruji and now I am leading a tension-free life.



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sathsang programmes


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We dedicate our first issue of krishnavedham to
the ultimate liberator bestowed by shri krishna
POOJYASHREE SHREE AMMA in real sense can be referred to as "Sacred Living Sanctity". She is the principal founder of Radhekrishna Sathsangam. She has made our lives bloom with fragrance. She made us realise the power of guru dhyanam and namasankeertanam.
This dedication is a small expression of our feelings towards her.
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guruvin padangal

jay shree radhekrishna

jay shree poojya shree amma

jay mahan brahma shri gopalavallidasar
