Echo of Guru in voice of shisyaas





'Extracts from pravachans of our guruji'

Hear and Get Blessed ! ! !



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




'hymns in praise of guru' 


Ethangal Aayina Ellaam
IRangal Iduviththu EnnuLLE
Peethaka Vaadaip Piraanaar
Pirama Guruvaaki vandhu
POthil kamala van nenjam
Pugunthu en Senni Thidaril
Paadha Ilachinai Vaithaar
PaNdu andRu Pattinam Kappe
                                    PeriyaaLwar Thirumozhi

The Supreme Lord who is always adorned in Pithamabaram has now  come to me  in the form of Sathacharayar . Not only has He approached  to make me realize the Parabrahmam but He has also entered my Mind  & cleansed me from all my sins. He has blessed me with complete protection by placing  His  Lotus  Feet  on my head . So I am in an elevated state complete with Supreme Bliss.


Lord Krishna's only wish is to see His children happy. Krishna comes down to the level of samsaris (worldly people) to enable His devotees enjoy the supreme bliss. He can come in any form, any time. If people have the real thirst and faith they are able to recognize this form and experience the happiness.


In Kaliyuga Krishna won�t appear in His own form in front of the sinners. Even if He appears, worldly people will ask for proof of His identity. Hence He takes a human form and interacts with worldly people in a normal way. Those fortunate ones who are able to perceive His true identity enjoy the supreme bliss. Unfortunate ones miss the opportunity. A golden opportunity!!! It is high time for the unfortunate, lazy folks to wake up from their slumber and see the Real Light in the form of a Sathguru.


PeriyaaLwar says that Lord Krishna dressed in pithaambaram (yellow dhoti) has come to him in the form of a Sathguru. A Sathguru is a basic necessity of life. Unfortunately people don�t realize this and are trapped in the net of maaya (illusion). Actually people are close yet far away from Krishna. They are close to Krishna as He resides in everyone�s heart. Krishna Himself conveys this message in 15th chapter of Geetha, �Sarvasya chaaham hrdhi sanniviSHTo mattah smritir gyanam apOhanam cha�. They are far away from Krishna as maaya comes in the way and obstructs the path of God Realization. But Sathgurus are not bound by maaya and hence they are self realized souls. So only they can show the samsaris how to come out of maaya.


A Sathguru is seated in the heart of his true devotees. He cleans His devotees� heart through the Naamasankeerthana (Chanting of Krishna�s names) mode. Thus a person is cleansed of all his sins by coming under the shade of a Sathguru and naamasankeethanam.


One feels safe and secure after attaining a Sathguru. A new confidence and inspiration is born. Fear gradually disappears. A rebirth takes place.


We, young disciples of Mahan Brahma Shree Gopalavallidasar certainly have got a new lease of life after coming under His shade.


jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




'short stories to regain your faith'

Radhekrishna!!! Bagawan Sri Krishna desires that each and every jeevaathma should always remain happy but the prarabdha karma (past sins) of the jeevaathmas restrict them from experiencing the happiness. Prarabdha karma means the karma one has left undone in the previous birth. This may sound unbelievable or exaggerating!!! Only if we do bhakthi we can understand this. We are tormented by the karma, which is left undone in the previous birth. But bhagavath dhyanam and bhagavan naamasankeerthanam has the power to destroy the torments of the undone karma.

Harer Nama Harer Nama Harer Naomaiva kevalam
Kalov Nasthyeva Nasthyeva Nasthyeva Gathiranyatha


Sri Hari Nama is the one and only way in this kaliyuga and there is no other confirmed way other than this for salvation (Moksha).

By doing this Krishna Naamasankeerthanam our sins are destroyed. When the sins are destroyed at that moment itself one could experience the eternal happiness. There is no doubt in this. If you think its all a blunder then its blunder!!! But this is a fact a true fact!!! Not a single thing other than Bagawan Naamasankeerthanam can give happiness and peace of mind!!! Such is the greatness of Bagawan Naamasankeerthanam. One should have unconditional faith in Bagawan Naamasankeerthanam. Generally the faith that common people have towards Bagawan is in such a way that if their wish gets fulfilled then they believe Bagawan is there. This is how the faith is!!!! There is no unconditional faith in Bagawan!!! �Certainly Bagawan will do well for me�, everyone lacks this faith!!! Even while praying to Bagawan for fulfillment of some work we pray in such a way that, �If this work gets fulfilled properly then I will put 100.Rs in the hundi or come to Thirupathi or perform some other rituals etc�.� That means, �If the work is completed properly then you are Bagawan then I will perform the rituals or put money or come to your temple.� This is how we say!!! This kind of partial faith is the only reason for sorrows in our lives.

Life itself is a belief!!! Even a small doubt makes our life sorrowful. Bagawan Himself says in Bhagawath Geetha, �Samshayaathma Vinashyathi�, those who doubt they will be destroyed. One should not have doubt instead there should be firm faith. �I will win!! My Bagawan is with me!!!� one should have this faith as Bagawan is the only one to save everybody!!! Even if we are studious or in some good status or we are of good health, who protects us at night when we are asleep? It is only Bagawan who protects us!!! So Bagawan is the greatest of all!!! Hence while praying we must say, �Krishna I am your child I don�t know anything. I don�t know how I should be so that I can remain happy forever. So Krishna You give me that happiness.� Each and every soul yearns for this happiness only!!! Be it an educated person or an illiterate one; rich or poor; female or male; everyone yearns for peace and happiness. If one derives this complete happiness the next and immediate thought they get is �Ah!!! Today I was very happy. Yesterday I was very happy and so on���.� This is what we desire.

We don�t desire or try for any other thing. Eternal happiness is the basic need of the human society! This eternal happiness is only with Bagawan and one could get this happiness only at His divine feet! Everyone has the right to get this happiness because for Bagawan everybody is one and the same. Bagawan is never partial this is what the mahathmas and even Bagawan Himself has said in Bagawath Geetha. But one should totally surrender at His lotus feet. �Hey Krishna! I don�t know anything. I am surrendering at your feet please save me!!!� this is the simplest and easiest way, which all the great bhakthas and mahathmas have said. We should totally accept that we are unfit, we don�t know anything! But accepting onself as unfit is difficult for everyone!!!!! The reason is everyone feels that �I know everything!�

But actually what do we know? Does our health remain the same way always? Does our mind remain constant always? So Bagawan is the only one who does everything for us. We must do our duties properly but we should have blind faith in Bagawan. Bagawan is the only one who can fulfill our needs so He is called as �Akadithakanasamarthyam� which means that whatever we need if its unreachable, Bagawan has the power to make the thing reach us. Hence there is a temple for Him, poojas and other rituals are performed. We all bow at His feet because whatever we are incapable of doing He does it for us.

We don�t have the capability to bring a downpour but Bagawan has this power; He can control the sea, the sun�  Only because of His resolution the whole universe is going on!!! He can even change a sinful person into a great bhaktha. Our bhakthi should be in such a way that He thinks about us; this is our only karma (duty). Everyone is sinful, everyone is pure. Nobody can judge who is nice and who is bad. The only thing is the percent of sins and pureness differs from person to person. But everyone is a mixture of both this sins and pureness. Everyone has Hiranyakashipu as well as Prahladh inside them; everyone has Meera as well as Surpanaka inside them.

Though our life is miserable, unhappy, sorrowful, depressed; if we have unconditional blind faith in Bagawan then He can transform this whole negative life into a positive one!!! But we should have this faith completely in Him. If we doubt Him our life will be utterly confusing!!! Everyone believes that Bagawan saved Draupadhi, Meera, Dhruva�etc. But will He come for me? This is the only question or confusion everyone has.

He will come, He will surely come, He has to come but only when we chant His naama continuously and have unconditional faith in Him. Will all this happen in Kaliyuga? Yes!!! It is happening! Even today many of them are practically experiencing Bagawan�s grace in their lives!!!

Continuous chnating and unconditional faith in Him will truly save us from everything. A young boy had such a faith in Bagawan and His naama.

To know more about his blind faith and trust wait till the next issue!!!!

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




'the power of divine grace'

Moreover even a little delay in getting the bus from Kanyakumari would have put us in a deep trouble. Further the waiter could have asked us all the questions and informed us about Tsunami even during our lunch or before that. But the mercy of Krishna is limitless. He knew that we would not be able to have our lunch properly with a peace of mind if we were informed about this disaster. So Krishna had delayed the waiter�s questions till we finished our lunch and then made the waiter to inform us about Tsunami. He cannot even tolerate if HIS children remain hungry. See how loving and affectionate our Krishna is!


 We don�t know what namajapam, shraddhai, dhidam or Guru Dhyanam we had. But today we are alive only because of our Guruji Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar. We know that HE would have prayed each second for the safety and well being of HIS shishyan and shishyay and Krishna no doubt paid heed to HIS prayers. Though our Guruji was away from us HIS prayers, ashirwadham and sanctity was with us in each step of our journey, which helped us to enjoy our trip and return home safely. This is the power of having a sathguru. Our Guruji always says that we should catch hold of a sathguru in same way as a baby monkey holds its mother. The mother monkey very coolly keeps on jumping from one treetop to another and from one branch to another. It is the responsibility of the baby monkey to hold its mother firmly. If the baby loosens the grip then it is going to be at a loss and face severe problem.


Same is the case with the samsaris like us. It is the responsibility of the samsaris to hold a sathguru firmly and surrender themselves totally at HIS Lotus feet. If one does so then one can be like a kitten. What does a kitten know? It remains in its own world unaware of the happenings in the outside world. The mother cat looks after the kitten with extreme care by feeding it in proper times and when it feels that the place is no more safe for its kitten, it takes them to those places which would give them more and extreme comfort and safety.


So if we hold a sathguru just as a baby monkey catch hold of its mother, sathguru would look after us just as a mother cat looks after her kitten. In short we need not worry about anything. Our duty is just to chant and enjoy our lives. Our sathguru would automatically take us to a place, which would be safe and sound for us and would bless us with divine happiness.


This was what had happened with us. We don�t even know whether we were sincere in our duty but our Guruji is an ocean of mercy. Even if we do a very little namajapam HE gets extremely pleased and showers Krupay that is thousand times more than the namajapam we do. Due to the only reason we had surrendered ourselves at the Lotus Feet of our Guruji, HE accepted us as HIS responsibility, remained with us, made up our minds to leave Kanyakumari at the most appropriate time, lifted us up and dropped us in Padhmanabha Puram palace and blessed us to have a very nice time, feeded us with a full �fledged peaceful lunch, helped us to reach Trivandrum very comfortably and safely and then made us realize what a great Krupay Krishna had showered on us. An experience, which we would remember till the last breath of our life. Even a few minutes delay would have costed us our lives.


Even today those who know that we were in Kanyakumari on the Tsunami day call us Lucky couples. But infact we are the blessed couples. We are the couples who have the blessings of a remarkable, incomparable, down to earth, most merciful, kind, compassionate and the greatest sathguru Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar.


Now each time I hear the word Tsunami what comes to my mind is Guru Krupay and the power of Krishna namasankeertanam.


Guruji's sishyay



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




'the feast for your soul'


Shree Poojya Shree Amma






Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar

jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




sathsangs programmes


Radhekrishna!!! Everyone enjoyed Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar�s sathsangam in Banglore. All the Banglore devotees are eagerly waiting for Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar�s next trip in Banglore.


Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar returned on May 13th from Banglore. From the same day sathsang on Swami Ramanuja Vaibhavam took place at a devotee�s place in Dombivli till May 19th. The sathsangam on Swami Ramanujar was fantastic. Everyone wished to do guru bhakthi like His sishyaas.


On May 16th, the Mumbai devotees celebrated Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar�s birth star in a grand manner. In the morning at 6.00 am some male disciples performed aayush homam for Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar. Everyone was eagerly waiting this special day. Special bhajans took place at a devotee�s residence from 11.00 am to 1.00 pm. Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar was welcomed in a very special way. Just like a red carpet welcome flowers were spread on a cloth. Balloon filled with rose petals was tied at the entrance. Big rangoli was drawn. The house was colorfully decorated. All the bhakthas were eagerly waiting for His arrival. As soon as He came everyone�s happiness knew no bounds. Everyone was overjoyed and in that happiness nobody knew as to what to do and what not!!!! When He entered the balloon was burst and the petals fell on Him. Then all the devotees sang �Undhi Puththa Uththamaney Vazhi�� All the devotees did paadha pujai and took blessings at His divine Lotus feet. A big garland was put around His neck, which really added to His beauty. On this special day, the devotees sang bhajans for Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar. Each moment of singing the bhajans was so enjoyable that no one wanted it to get over. Even after the celebrations got over everyone recollected the same joyous memories of the morning; infact everyone wished that this special day of merriment should never pass on. Click here and enjoy the celebration!!!


 On 19th morning Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar�s sathsangam took place at a devotee�s place. The sathsangam was about Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu�s disciple Sreenivas. The sathsangam was so touching that it really melted everyone�s heart. Sreenivas was a great devotee of Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu right from his childhood. When he grew up he decided to meet Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. But unfortunately on his way he comes to know that Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu has attained Bagawan�s Lotus feet. He breaks down on hearing this. Likewise he had to face many odd situations. Finally he goes to Navadweep at Sri Krishna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu�s house to meet His wife Vishnupriya Devi. And this time he succeeds!! Vishnupriya Devi asks him to be with Her. He does service for Her. Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar was so happy while doing this sathsangam as our Gurumaatha Shree Poojya Shree Amma was also arriving on 20th May.


Guruji Amma arrived on May 20th. The devotees were eagerly waiting for this one more occasion. Some were busy in decorations, some others in drawing big rangolis� As soon as Guruji Amma arrived the happiness of the devotees reached the peak. All the devotees took blessings from Guruji Amma. Guruji Amma�s sathsangam took place at various devotees� place right from that day onwards. Amma�s sathsangam was so soothing that everyone could feel the divine bliss. The Mumbai devotee�s celebrated Guruji Amma�s 60th birth star in a real grand manner. To know more about Guruji Amma�s birthday celebration wait for sometime�


By the blessings of Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma and Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar the Mumbai devotees got to celebrate one grander occasion. Gurujiamma and Gurujiappa�s 70th marriage!!! The pooja started at 9.00 am in the morning and continued till 10.30 am. By the mercy of Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma and Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar even those disciples living abroad and other places got to see this divine function. Now those who feel that you have missed this then just click here and feel the bliss. 


All those who feel that they missed Guruji Amma�s sathsangam in Mumbai� Good news for you!!! �The Memorable Golden Days � Part II� is coming up. Just click here and feel the soothing effect.


Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! Surprise!

June 13th being Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar�s birthday ��. Something special for Him!!! Click!



jay sathguru maharaj ki jay




our wholehearted dedications


 This issue we are dedicating to Santh Kabirdas.

The great saint who was born in north India 600 years ago to a Hindu        woman and brought up in a muslim community.

The great devotee who learned to write the word "Rama" only.

The devotee who united Hindus and muslims by asking them to surrender to a single God and continuously chant His name alone.

The disciple of Swami Ramanand, another great devotee of Lord.

The sathsishyan who always knew the wishes of His Sathguru.

The great saint who lived for 120 years and cleansed the sins of the jeevaas of this divine land.

Santh Kabirdas Ki Jay!!!


jay sathguru maharaj ki jay


jay shree radhekrishna sathsang

jay shree poojya shree shree amma

jay mahan brahma shri gopalvallidasar

