month we saw a person who was trying to reach God in an unusual manner with eyes
closed and holding his nose tightly. Mauji was eagerly waiting to get a glimpse
of Bagawan. Will Bagawan answer to his blind faith? Bagawan is not at all
interested in money, beauty, fame etc. He only expects true love and
Sharanagathi (total surrender) from us.
easiest way to attain Lord Krishna is sharanagathi (the complete surrender).
This principle can be well explained with the help of a short story. Once Sri
Paraasarabhattar, disciple of Swami Ramanujar stood in front of a hunter’s
house. Seeing this hunter welcomed Him in a hospitable manner and provided with
a cot to rest. The hunter seemed to be very happy. Sri Paraasarabhattar
anxiously asked the reason for his happiness.
that hunter replied, “Today when I went for hunting I aimed at a child rabbit,
seeing that the mother rabbit came for its rescue. The mother rabbit was crying,
continuously encircling my feet and begging for its child’s life. I was
touched by the mother’s love and felt pity for it. So I let go the child
rabbit. That is the reason for my happiness.”
this, tears rolled down from the eyes of Sri Paraasarabhattar. Seeing His tears
the sishya named Nanjeeyar asked Him as to why He was crying. Sri
Paraasarabhattar answered, “we were just standing in front of the hunter’s
house for that he welcomed us and gave us comfort so shall not Bagawan help us
and give us happiness if we pray to Him? Even a five sense animal knows that if
I plead the hunter, he will set my child free then why can’t a six sense human
being understand that if he completely surrenders with an unconditional faith,
Bagawan will surely protect him.”
is a beautiful endowment given by Bagawan Sri Krishna!!! Our duty is to accept
it and make the most of it. We can make the most of it only by doing bhakthi.
Life is life only if we do bhakthi!! Bagawan Sri Krishna is the ocean of mercy;
He never lets down the jeevathmas (souls) craving for Him.
as said by the Brahmin was sitting in same position just to see and know that
who is Bagawan and how does He look like!!!! Mauji very blindly believed the
Brahmin’s words and didn’t even have a slight doubt in his words. This is
the attitude one should have towards a sathguru. We must have an unconditional
and blind faith on our sathguru. We do believe in God but if something happens
against our wishes we are confused about His existence. But Mauji did not lose
his hope. This is bhakthi!!! No matter whatever happens we must never lose our
hopes and become pessimistic. Patience is the stepping stone to bhakthi!! We
must have the strong and stubborn faith in Krishna!!!
mind was fully concentrated only in one thing i.e. to see Bagawan. He did not
have any other thoughts. Mind is faster than wind. Even Lord Krishna has said in
Bhagawath Geetha “among the organs I am the mind.” The one who wins the mind
wins the world. We fail to control our mind and that becomes the reason for all
our sorrows. The easiest way to win over our mind is to do Namajapam i.e.
continuous chanting of Lord’s name.
was dusk time. Mauji was stubborn and he did not give up. A stage came when
Mauji was feeling hard to breath but still Bagawan Sri Krishna did not give His
darshan. Seeing this we would come to a conclusion that Bagawan Sri Krishna does
not have any sympathy. But sometimes Bagawan Sri Krishna plays these kinds of
leelas just to test the patience and belief of His bhakthaas in Him. Bagawan Sri
Krishna knows what to give, when to give and how to give. We must try our best,
and leave the rest on Krishna!! Bagawan Sri Krishna’s incarnation is just to
bless His dear souls with the shower of happiness, then how come He would let
down His craving souls??? The more we wait for Bagawan Sri Krishna’s grace the
more we are happy when He pours it on us.
overwhelmed by Mauji’s trust and determination, ultimately Bagawan Sri Krishna
decided to give His darshan. With eyes closed Mauji saw someone. His face was so
bright as if crores of sun was shining on His face. Seeing such a beautiful,
divine, heavenly form, Mauji was astonished but couldn’t realize as to who it
was!! By seeing the bagawan inside the heart Mauji drowned in the beauty of the
bagawan. Actually after some time bagawan Sri Krishna stood in front of him. But
mauji never recognized this. So bagawan Sri Krishna stopped the dharshan in his
heart. Because of this Mauji suddenly opened his eyes in search of bagawan.
he opened his eyes he saw the same image in front of him. Mauji had never seen
such a divine ecstasy in his lifetime so he asked to the divine bliss which he
was viewing, “who are you?” This itself shows Mauji’s innocence and
childishness!! The divine bliss (Bagawan Sri Krishna) in a very sweet,
melodious, pleasant and smooth voice, replied that “I am Krishna!!!”
Instantly Mauji asked Krishna, “How do I believe that you are Bagawan Sri
was lucky and blessed enough to see Bagawan Sri Krishna even though he was not
aware of it! But as he had never heard about HIM and never seen HIM before he
was not sure. So he thought that only one person can help him and that is the
Brahmin. Mauji asked Bagawan Sri Krishna to wait until he comes back. Saying
this Mauji left in search of the Brahmin but suddenly he stopped. Some thought
came in his mind and he returned back where the ocean of mercy (Bagawan Sri
Krishna) was standing very innocently with a gentle smile on HIS face.
Mauji did go back to Krishna? What did he do? What made Mauji to take back his
to know? Wait till the next issue!!!!