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GURU MAHIMA hymns in praise of guru Aani
prithvi jayaachiya kshamaa| Nubage sthaavar
jangamaa | Jayaache
ni amruthe chandramaa|Nivavi jag ||1|| Jayaache
aanggik asike| Tej laahoni arke| Aandhaaraache
saavaaekay| Lotijath aahay ||2||
(GNYAANESHWARI-slokaas 1723 & 1724 in chp.18th) Shree GNYAANESHWAR describes these lines in praise of his Sathguru, Shree Nivrutthinath. According to Shree GNYAANESHWAR all the good happenings in this world is due to his Sathguru and hence He wholeheartedly dedicates it to Him. A Sathguru is the ultimate as the hold of all the universal things is in HIS hands. A Sathguru is not limited to this universe. His works are beyond imagination. A Sathguru is the main source of all good virtues hidden in each and everything. Shree GNYAANESHWAR has made everyone aware about the mahima (greatness) of a Sathguru through the illustrations of earth, moon and sky, which has derived its specific qualities from his Sathguru, Shree Nivrutthinath. Shree GNYAANESHWAR has proved that a Sathguru's mahima is incomparable and nothing is possible without HIS krupaa(blessings). Sathguru is the necessity of every jeevaathmaa (soul). Even Bagawan Krishna, Rama, all the saints, sages were under the shade of a Sathguru and did all the servings. Bagawan Himself was engrossed at the lotus feet of Sathguru. This itself reveals the mahima of a Sathguru. To prove that Sathguru is the incessant treasure of all good virtues, Shree GNYAANESHWAR has given the examples of universally related things and made everyone realise the necessity of a Sathguru. Shree GNYAANESHWAR says that Bhaaratha Bhoomi is an example revealing tolerance. The earth tolerates the burden of everyone without being frustrated. But the earth has gained this power of tolerance from my Sathguru, Shree Nivrutthinath. Even though people create obstacles in the work of a Sathguru, HE is not affected in anyway nor does HE get frustrated. He remains still in all the situations and accepts everyone wholeheartedly to show them a right path. Such great tolerance can never ever be found anywhere else except in a Sathguru. Shree GNYAANESHWAR further states that the quality of calmness and coolness is gifted to the moon by my Sathguru. Sathguru Himself is calm minded and also gives this quality to everyone. This quality which a Sathguru gives, is not restricted to the body but this quality provides calmness to our soul. A Sathguru's cool minded attitude makes everyone to come out of their restless and panicky mind. Thus Shree GNYAANESHWAR firmly says that this cool and calm minded virtue of his Sathguru has made the moon to provide the quality to the entire world. A Sathguru HIMSELF is the brightest. His brightness has no bounds. Shree GNYAANESHWAR states that the sun borrows a minute part of brightness from his Sathguru, Shree Nivrutthinath and vanishes the darkness. The brightness of a Sathguru not only vanishes but also completely destroys the darkness hidden inside every jeevaathmaa and enlightens the entire world. The immense and the boundless power of a Sathguru makes all the universal bodies to perform their activities perfectly and are blessed to gain good qualities from HIM. A Sathguru's mahima is endless. How great a Sathguru is!!! We can just get surprised but can never imagine or describe a Sathguru's mahima. karthik and uma
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ACHYUTHA PRIYAA short stories to regain faith Till last month we have seen that after listening to the description of Bagawan Krishna from that preacher the thief made a very firm decision in his mind to loot Him. You all would no doubt be extremely eager to know how and what efforts the thief made after taking such a decision. Don’t the stories of Bagawan Krishna sound interesting? Doesn’t the Bhaktha charitram contain a huge amount of suspense? Doesn’t these stories induce in every individual an eagerness to know more about it? Doesn’t these stories take us more closer to Bagawan Krishna and HIS grace? In this busy world after going through a heavy load of work, human mind often sets out in search of relaxation. It is a very common phenomenon that most of the individuals feel relaxed on watching movies, serials or listening to music. Television sets have a magnetic effect of attracting all the individuals towards it. Individuals get totally drowned in the serials, movies etc… Most of them get so much used to it that they feel restless even if they do not watch it for a single day. But does this television sets have a capacity to bring a permanent solution to all our problems, relax our mind forever, relieve and bring an end to our stress and tensions? No doubt that television sets take us into a dream world of suspense, emotions, comedy, violence, but does this world give us an everlasting happiness? Does anyone feel like watching movies, listening to music, going for a walk, chatting with friends and so on when one is in misery or is fully tensed? The obvious answer to all these questions is ‘NO’. We all very well know that all this can in no way help us or bring us out of our stress, tensions, sorrows and sufferings. But this is not the case with Bhaktha charitrams. Bhaktha charithrams contain an answer to each and every question of an individual. It induces in us a faith for Supreme and makes us feel the power of Bagawan. These stories make us realize the presence of Bagawan with us, which makes us feel safe, secured, confident and relaxed. Bhaktha charitram reflects the mercy, which the Divine Supreme Bagawan has for all His children. Bhaktha charitram and Krishna namasankeertanam has the capability of bringing us out of any kind of situation, making us victorious in every path of our life and gifting us with eternal happiness. When we have such a great strength with us then why should this human mind set out in search of artificial and temporary happiness? Let us now enjoy and experience the leela, which our cute, chubby, naughty, beautiful, loving, cheerful Krishna played with that thief to make him realize HIS power and grace. If we accept the life as it comes and consider all the happenings in our life as a leela of Bagawan Krishna then we would never face any sort of hardships or misery in our life. This was what our patient Sakhubai did and for this Bagawan Vitthal showered HIS grace on her by working for her and blessing her with HIS divine darshan. The preacher completed his discourse for that day. The thief wanted to get a perfect and correct description and address of Krishna so that he could plan his loot successfully. The preacher left the place and the thief followed the preacher. The preacher was now passing through a lonely place and the thief thought that this was the right time to collect more information about Krishna. The thief went near the preacher and stopped him. He showed him the knife and the preacher was terrified. The preacher thought that the thief wanted to steal the little wealth, which he had got from the day’s discourse. So the preacher himself gave away the wealth to that thief but the thief refused to accept it. The thief’s mind was completely focused in stealing the jewels of Bagawan Krishna. The thief started asking the preacher to narrate the description of that little child once again. But the preacher was confused as to which child the thief was addressing to. The preacher told the thief that Bhagawatham contains the stories of many little children like Dhruva, Prahlaad, Vamana and so on. So he asked the thief about whom he wanted to know? Though the thief did not remember the child’s {Krishna’s} name, he could recollect the description. He explained to the preacher that the little child was black but beautiful, had lotus like eyes, lotus like lips, lotus like palms and lotus like feet. The preacher could immediately make out that the thief was referring to none other than our cute charming Krishna (kichha payal). The thief asked the preacher to give the description of Krishna along with HIS jewels and where he could exactly locate Krishna. On hearing the thief, the preacher thought that the thief had gone out of his mind and could easily be fooled. So he asked the thief to accompany him to his house so that he could refer the Bhagawatham book, which contained the address of Krishna. His greed made the thief accept the preacher’s words. Both of them finally reached the preacher’s house. The thief was very eager to know about Krishna and asked the preacher to start with the description. The preacher sat down, opened the Bhagawatham and started reciting the dhyanam slokam in Sanskrit. But the thief was totally blank of what the preacher was saying and felt that the preacher was scolding him. So he asked him to stop and reminded the preacher of what he had asked for. The preacher again started reciting the story of Bagawan Krishna right from HIS birth but the thief was least bothered about this. He again stopped the preacher and asked him to just give the description of that little black child and His jewels. The preacher finally started with the description of Bagawan Krishna. The preacher described about the lotus like delicate soft feet of Bagawan Krishna,and the rings which Krishna wore in each of HIS toes; then the beauty of HIS knees and thighs; immediately the thief pointed out his knife to the preacher and stopped him. He said that the preacher was forgetting something; but the preacher could not recollect as to what he was forgetting. The thief reminded him that he had missed out the anklet, which Krishna was wearing. He once again asked the preacher to start with the description from lotus like feet of Bagawan Krishna. The preacher started again, the lotus like feet, the rings in each of HIS toes, the anklets; the beauty of HIS knees, thighs; the rich silk pitambar (cloth), the belt made up of ruby and pearls on HIS slim waist, HIS wide broad shoulder, necklace of opal, gold, pearls, gems, emerald, ruby. Now the thief got angry and asked the preacher to shut his mouth. He told the preacher to be careful in his description as again he was missing out something. But unfortunately the preacher did not understand as to what the thief was trying to say. The thief said that the preacher had mentioned about some mani (a kind of stone) during his discourse. He could not remember its name but knew only one thing that the mani was very costly and precious. The preacher did not have unconditional faith on Bagawan Krishna. He considered his preachings just as a source of living. He had never been blessed and gifted with the divine darshan of Bagawan Krishna as he lacked sincerity and pure dedication towards Krishna. He used to give the description of Bagawan Krishna based upon what he had read from the divine books written by the great mahatmas of our Bharatha Bhoomi who spent every single second of their life in Krishna bhakthi. The preacher was facing difficulty in describing Krishna again and again as he had only bookish knowledge. He had never experienced the true essence of Krishna namasankeertanam and Bhagawatham. The thief on the other hand knew nothing about Krishna. He did not even know HIS name. But he had an urge and thirst to know about Krishna. This made him think about Krishna constantly. Gradually the thought of Krishna occupied the mind and heart of that thief. This helped the thief to memorize the description of Krishna perfectly. This is the magic of Bagawan Shri Krishna. Even though we like HIM or not, believe in HIM or not, we enjoy listening to HIS leelas or not, but once if HE decides to uplift us in our lives then HE would adopt any ways and means to attract us towards HIM. To provide eternal happiness to all the jeevaathamas(souls) Bagawan Shri Krishna who is the Supreme even comes down to the level of samsaris (worldly beings) . He never bothers as to what this world would think or say about HIM. HE is the ocean of mercy, the donor of beauty, the magnet that has the capability to attract all the jeevaathamas and the destroyer of miseries. HE is everything and everything is in HIM. After the thief gave several explanations, the preacher understood that the thief was referring to Kaustuba Mani. The thief ordered to start the description of Bagawan Krishna once again from HIS lotus like feet. This time the preacher started the description of Bagawan Krishna with a great care. He described the lotus like soft, delicate feet of Bagawan Krishna and the rings that Krishna wore in each of HIS toes, the anklet, the beauty of His knees and thighs, the rich silk pitambar, the belt made up of ruby and pearls on HIS slim waist, HIS wide broad shoulders, Kaustuba Mani (a kind of stone) on HIS chest, necklace of opal, gold, emerald, pearls, gems, ruby, which added to HIS beauty, lotus like attractive lips, beautiful, sharp nose, lotus like eyes which are always filled with love and mercy, the bow shaped eye-brows, kasturi tilakam on HIS forehead, HIS curly hair, the crown made up of diamonds on HIS head, the rich ear-rings , HIS long hands to lift the jeevathamas from this samsara sagaram, the bracelets on HIS hands and the rings present in all HIS fingers. This was the toe to head description of Bagawan Krishna. But the thief was not satisfied with it. He asked the preacher to give the head to toe description of Bagawan Krishna and the preacher did so. This continued and the thief made the preacher repeat the head to toe and toe to head description of Bagawan Krishna for nearly 8 to 10 times. The thief was listening to every single description of Bagawan Krishna keenly and whole-heartedly. He had very carefully registered every single description given by that preacher in his mind and heart. Now he was very keen to know the address of Bagawan Krishna and asked about it to the preacher. The preacher himself was doubtful about the existence of Bagawan Krishna in this kaliyuga. The preacher thought that the thief was a big fool as he was dreaming to loot Bagawan Krishna, which was next to impossible from his point of view. But by some way or the other the preacher wanted to get rid of that thief. So the preacher asked the thief to leave his house and proceed in the northern direction. He said that after a long journey the thief would come across a very beautiful river. On the banks of that river there would be many different varieties of trees. The surroundings would look very pleasant and would have a soothing effect. The preacher said to the thief that every day early in the morning the mother of that little, dark, child would dress HIM up and send HIM with HIS elder brother and friends for grazing the cows. He said that this little, dark, charming, beautiful, loving, cute, naughty child would carry a flute with HIM and play a very soothing music. The thief was totally unaware of the fact that Krishna is the Supreme and HE is the creator of this universe. He was sincere and dedicated to the work, which he was doing. His innocence made him experience the grace of Bagawan Krishna. The thief noted down each and every word of that preacher with intense interest and care. Before leaving, he said to the preacher that if he would succeed in his plan then he would give 50% of his looted jewels to the preacher. But if the preacher had cheated him then he would come back and that day would be the end of the preacher. The preacher was extremely confident that it was impossible to get the darshan of Bagawan Krishna in this kaliyuga and hence felt that the thief was not going to succeed in his plan. But the sole intention of the preacher was to get rid of that thief as immediately as possible. He thought that if the thief returns back then he would send that thief in some other direction saying that Krishna has shifted to some other place as our Krishna has many places to reside such as Brindavan, Mathura, Dwaraka, and also the hearts of every jeevaathma who love HIM. The thief could very well recollect the description and address stated by that preacher but he used to forget the name of Krishna. Hence before leaving the thief asked the preacher the name of that little dark child and the preacher replied that the name of that little dark child was Krishna. The thief started repeating the word “Krishna”, “Krishna”, “Krishna”, “Krishna”. This reflects the mercy of our kichha payal who made even the thief to chant HIS nama though unknowingly. At the first instance the thief was forgetting the nama of Bagawan Krishna only because his sins stood as an obstacle in his way and restricted him from chanting Krishna nama. But as the description of Krishna captured the heart and mind of that thief, he could think nothing beyond it. Hence his sins totally vanished. As his sins vanished the magical nama “Krishna” got a residing place in the heart of that thief. Such is the greatness of Krishna and Krishna namasankeertanam. Just listening to the leelas and description of Krishna has the capability of vanishing all our sins then is there any need to express what miracles we would experience in our life if we chant Krishna??? Everyone has to experience the magic of this nama for themselves. The thief at last gathered all the information he wanted and left the preacher’s house in search of Krishna. The thief followed the route, which the preacher had specified. This is the duty of every jeevaathama. Each one has to set out in search of Krishna. Everyone should have faith in HIS existence. Every relation, every work in this world is tied up with a string called belief. We blindly believe in our mother’s words when she points towards an individual and says that he is our father. This is a fact, which only our mother knows. Do we ever express any sort of disbelief in her words or question her? Whenever we feel hungry we have food at home or in hotel. Before eating that food do we ever think whether this food contains poison? This is so because we have blind faith in our near and dear ones who cook food for us. Not only this but we have unconditional faith even on the chef of that hotel about whom we know nothing. Whenever we sit on a chair or a table do we ever think that it would crack down? This shows our faith and belief on even the non-living things. We are passing by on a road and are in search of some address. We ask a passer by and he tells us some route. We have no idea of who he is and whether he has shown us the right path or not. But still we blindly believe in his words and follow the path specified by him. But when the question arises of placing an unconditional belief and faith on Bagawan Krishna and HIS nama then it requires thousands of proofs, explanations, clarifications and justifications. When we can believe so many persons and even non-living things in our life then why should we express a disbelief in Bagawan Krishna and HIS existence??? Can’t we try this method of believing in Bagawan Krishna and HIS nama at least once in our life time? It would no doubt give a permanent full stop to all our sorrows, sufferings, miseries, tensions, stress and take us to the peak of happiness. Krishna expects from us nothing in return except our happiness and a true love for HIM. The thief was totally unaware about the greatness of Krishna whom he had planned to loot. But as the thief was proceeding on his journey he was constantly uttering “Krishna”, “Krishna”, “Krishna”, so that he would not forget the name of this child. The thief was totally ignorant that the uttering of HIS name for his personal benefit would be accepted as chanting by our ‘OCEAN OF MERCY’ [Krishna]. Similarly you also keep chanting the nama of Bagawan Sri Krishna in each path of your life till we come back with the rest of the story in our next issue. Let us see in what way Krishna showered HIS blessings on that thief who was unknowingly and without any faith chanting HIS nama. Do chant and keep waiting eagerly to understand the mahima {greatness} of Krishna nama and realize the mercy and grace of Bagawan Krishna. archana and anuja
the power of divine grace
Radhekrishna. When I sit back and think about the transition that Guruji has brought in me, it surprises me and I don’t find words to express my emotions. It's not an exaggeration. Initially before I met Guruji, I was a typical teenager. Novels, friends, hangouts, movies…. these were the sources of happiness. The pleasures derived from these things were short-lived ones. At some point or the other, these things betrayed me. But now even without these things I am happier. My search for happiness has come to an end. This was possible only due to grace of my Guruji Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar. Earlier even if small problem cropped up, I used to get tensed and loose my nerve. Now with grace of my Guruji, I can say that I can get through any hurdle. There have been many instances where I experienced the grace of my Guruji. Here is one of such experiences. Myself, Archana, Uma (other shisyaas of Radhekrishna Sathsang) were given the work of loading the September issues of Krishnavedham. It was to be released on 10th of September. No significant work was completed till 8th of September. With great pressure we completed the main work on 9th of September. Now it was time to load the issues into the site. We were not sure how the results were going to be. To confess we have little knowledge of computers. Whatever we tried went wrong and to add to it there were some technical problems also. Time was also passing by. It was already 9.30 pm. I went blank and was not able to decide the next step. A fear rooted in my mind that the issues wouldn’t be released. Even if all these negative thoughts were going on I had a strong belief that our Guruji wouldn’t let us down. With little hopes left we prayed to Guruji to help us and surrendered all our responsibilities to Guruji. And then what happened was miraculous. Within half an hour we were able to load the issues successfully.When we came to know that Guruji liked the issues, all our tensions, pressures that we had gone through the last night had vanished. It was indeed a divine experience that manifested the grace of our Guruji Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar. So surrender yourself to lotus feet of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar and fill your life with infinite happiness. disciple of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar Revathy Mumbai
feast for your soul
sathsang programs With
the divine grace of our Guruji Amma the sathsang on Ramanujar
Vaibhavam, one of the glorious Guru Parampara of our Bharata Bhoomi
is going on in the Raman temple of chennai. The disciples of chennai
are extremely fortunate and are really the most lucky and blessed
ones to regularly listen to the discourse on Ramanujar Vaibhavam by
Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar.
Our Guruji Amma who is the ocean of mercy and Bagawan Krishna has
really paid heeds to the urge and thirst of the disciples of chennai
by blessing them with such a great discourse which reveals the
greatness of Hinduism and Bharatha Bhoomi, brings to light the mercy
of the great Sathguru’s and teaches the way a perfect Satshishyan/
shishya should be. Our
weekly Saturday bhajans from 11a.m. to 12p.m. are held at the
residence of Shree Poojya Shree Shree Amma. Everyone who attends the
Bhajans are able to experience the true essence of Krishna Bhajans
in the melodious, sweet voice of our Guruji Amma and are able to
receive blessings from her. As
per the message of our Guruji Amma the disciples of Mumbai,
Bangalore, Coimbatore, East Africa, and USA also hold the weekly
Bhajans. All
the bhakthas are invited for a grand spiritual pravachan in tamil.
Come, enjoy and experience the divine grace of Sri Krishna, our
Guruji Amma and Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar.
CHENNAI: The pravachans of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar in Chennai is
scheduled as follows: SHREE RAAMAANUJAR VAIBHAVAM in Shree Dhanushkodi Kothanadaramar temple, chrompet,chennai-600064. DISCOURSE IN
Mumbai disciples who were curiously waiting since a long time to listen to the pravachan of Mahan Brahma Shri
Gopalavallidasar would be blessed from 20th of November.
The pravachans of Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar in Mumbai is
scheduled as follows: Discourse will be held on 21st November morning at residence of Mr Srinivasan 2nd floor,Femina apts, Gupte road Dombivli (west) -421202 Tel (0251)2485720
on Ramanujar Vaibhavam will be held daily morning from 22nd
November to 27th of November. Venue: Mr.
Hari Kumar A-203,
Dhuri Sagar CHS, Dhuri
Complex, Om
Nagar, Vasai
Road (west)-401202. From
29th of November pravachan on Dhiya dhesa Vaibhavam will
commence at the residence of Mr. Ragavan. Venue: Mr.
Ragavan B/7,
RadhaKrishna co-op. Hsg. Soc., Opp.
Patkar School, Rajaji
Path, Dombivli
(East)-421201. Tel (0251)2454787 Sathsang by Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar in Banglore from 2nd to 8th of november. Mr.Janakiraman
and his family made very good arrangements for the sathsangam at
Banglore. They prepared handbills and posters to distribute to the
various places. Mahan Brahma Shri Gopalavallidasar stayed in their
house and delivered pravachans. They really enjoyed the presence of
guruji with them. They were really gifted to be with our guruji. People
came and enjoyed the sathsangam.
Sathsang at Banglore by guruji
our wholehearted dedications Roopa Goswami ·
jay shree radhekrishna sathsang jay shree poojya shree shree amma jay mahan brahma shri gopalavallidasar guruvin padangal |